Summer Surprise "Beach Scene"

(assembled by myownlittleworld)

donations1.jpg (36738 bytes)

Donations received by members

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Donations received by members

donations3.jpg (33601 bytes)

Donations received by members

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Donations received by members

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Assembly is completed!

final2.jpg (32432 bytes) final3.jpg (35719 bytes) final4.jpg (33178 bytes)
final5.jpg (29045 bytes) final6.jpg (38860 bytes) final7.jpg (26118 bytes) final8.jpg (37754 bytes)

Congratulations to Marilyn (Marmu) for winning the scene and to Gene (gene2048) for winning the leftover items!!


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Copyright © 2001 TMP Creations and Dollhouse Miniatures Club on Yahoo!
Last modified: September 15, 2001