Bunny Box

1. Cut pieces out of balsa wood
2. Sand as needed
3. The two bunny shapes are the sizes (left -right) of the box
. The larger square piece is the bottom.
The other two left are the front and
back. see illustration…
4. Glue all parts together with white glue or your favorite
craft glue. Leave it to dry .
5. Sand if again only if needed.
6. Paint it all in one color (outside and insides).
7. Trace the bunny decoration and paint it with your favorite
colors…I used acrylics ..Pink for all the box with white dots (to make the dots use a
bristle from an old toothbrush or small stylus and dab into white paint and
lightly "dot" over box
8. Cut a 1.5” piece of lace ,cord or twisted thin wire and
glue as a handle.
9. Now its done!
Fill it with your favorite mini Easter

Note: When copying and printing
this pattern, you may need to reduce it to the size you want.

Use your back button to return to Craftroom for additional
by: babsiluv