~ A Secret Garden ~

Please note that you are NOT limited to what is on this list.

Please use your imagine and creativity. 

Even though there may already be someone's name listed next to an item your would like to donate, please go ahead and donate it.  That person may only be sending one of that item, and lots more may be needed.  Remember that any items not used for the box will be raffled off to another winner!

Idea List or Items needed:

to be assembled by: 

Melissa (tmpminis@yahoo.com)

approximate dimensions are still to be determined

[P] = Promised - [R] = Received



base and walls tmpminis[r]
flowers of all kinds myownlittleworld[r], minimair2000[r], minitwins2000[r]
rock and vine wallpaper for walls tmpminis [r](designed by Imelda from MSAT Cutouts Group)
vines minimair2000[r]
resin (for pond) gapeach_kc[r]
lily pads myownlittleworld[r], minitwins2000[r]
wind chimes myownlittleworld[r]
rocks kizzzkid
slate for pond tmpminis[r]
outdoor furniture (Victorian in style) gapeach_kc[r]
lock and key for doors minimary[r]
ivory elephant minimary[r]
butterflies myownlittleworld[r]
door tmpminis
robin (bird) kizzzkid
wheelchair  paddley
bird's nest kizzzkid
red fox (Dickon's pet) twisterd[r]
gazing ball marmu29
seed packets jazzynkalli[r]
cane jazzynkalli[r], blodyn[r]
medical mask babyblueheaven
jump rope jazzynkalli[r]
tree jazzynkalli[r]
tree stump blodyn[r]
antique type camera (on tripod) blodyn[r]
antique photos blodyn[r]
recorder (flute) blodyn[r]
statue minitwins2000[r]
rope swing jazzynkalli[r]
black crow tmpminis[r]
victorian straw hat blodyn[r]
picnic basket with food
2 urns blodyn[r]
Victorian Box of Assorted English Bisquits blodyn[r]
Pink Square Cake blodyn[r]
slippers blodyn[r]

This list will be updated daily (I hope).  Please check back often!

If you would like to donate any of these or other  items, please email  

Melissa (tmpminis@yahoo.com)

with a list of the items you wish to donate and she will return the email with an address to send the items to.






Send mail to webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 TMP Creations and Dollhouse Miniatures Club on Yahoo!
Last modified: November 27, 2001