These are instructions for one flower.  The same idea can be used for any flower you may want to make.  Keep in mind, that the smaller the leaf or bloom, the smaller gauge of wire you will want to use.
Supplies you will need..

*Brass wire on a spool (anywhere from 18-22 gauge)
*Clear nail polish (the older and thicker, the better)
*White acrylic paint
*Leaf Green acrylic paint (or darker)
*Tacky glue
*Medium size soft bristle brush for paints
*Wax paper and paper towel
*Large piece of Styrofoam
*1" flowerpot filled with clay, covered with fine ballast.
*Flower stamens


Cut wire to lengths of approx. 4 1/2 inches.
Shape wires like Illustration #1.

Make about 15 leaves and about 9 flower shapes.

Form the shape by placing it across a 1/2" dowel to meet the other wire.
Wire must be touching.  See Illustration #2

Clip off excess wire that forms the leaf or flower and then, using a knife, form the point at the tip of the flower or leaf by pulling it out to a point.

Keep the round or oval shapes of the leaf and flower as much as possible


Fill brush of nail polish applicator with a generous amount of polish.
Apply polish either under the bloom or over the top, whichever is easier for you.
Apply polish by laying the brush horizontally across the blooms and leaves.  Start at one end and move slowly to the other end.  See Illustration #3
Be patient - you may have to go across several times before polish makes a solid "bubble" across wires.  After a "bubble" is made - lightly blow onto it to speed drying.  You may have to move the wire up and down to prevent a clump of polish forming in center.  You want an even thickness from one end to the other.  When you're sure it's not going to run, stick stem horizontally into Styrofoam to prevent uneven thickness.
Finish all leaves and blooms.  Dry completely for at least one hour.
After the polish is completely dry and not sticky, curve the leaves and blooms over a dowel as in Illustration #4.



Paint the backside of leaves green and the backside of blooms white.
Set in Styrofoam to dry. Illustration #5.



Cut white stamen bulbs to a short length as in Illustration #6.
Squeeze a small amount of tacky glue onto wax paper and dip thread end into glue.  Using tweezers, place in the center front of bloom as in Illustration #7.  Let dry.



Some wires may need to be clipped off so they don't sit too high in pot.  The longest wire of blooms should not be more than 3 1/4".  The longest wire of the leaves should not be more than 3" tall.
Arrange leaves in pot starting in the center with the larger leaves.  Work your way to the outside edges with the medium and smaller leaves.  Add blooms in random areas, in with the leaves.


-Do not use new nail polish.  It will not work well to form a bubble and will take longer to apply.
-If a hole appears in the "bubble" after you place it in the Styrofoam to dry...don't worry, just repeat Step Two above.
-Colored nail polish does not work as well as painting the clear polish.

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contributed by rosebuds


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Last modified: September 06, 2001