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Supplies needed...
*7-10 fancy toothpicks with lathed ends. (pick out the best ones you can find)
*acrylic paint in red, navy, white, black and flesh tone.
*felt markers in red, navy, black, peach or flesh tone.
*X-acto knife
*tacky glue
*thin layer of cotton lining for box (optional)
*very fine paint brush

Making the soldiers…
*Sand down lightly any rough edges of the lathed end of the toothpick.
*Paint the head of the toothpick flesh. (see illustration for following
*Paint the hat area black.
*Dot on black paint with needle for the eyes and use red for the mouth.
*Paint the torso red.
*Add the X to the shirt in white with the brush.
*Paint the trousers navy blue.
*Paint the shoe area black.
*Let dry and then cut the soldier free from the rest of the toothpick with
the X-acto knife. |

click for larger image |
Making the display box…
*Size to scale and print out the box on card stock. (use right click and
"save as" feature to save on your hard drive)
*Using the felt tip markers, color the lid of the box matching the colors
used for the soldiers.
*Cut the box out and glue sides together on bottom, insert and lid.
(note: I used a thin layer of cotton for the inside of mine instead of the
card stock insert…either way will do)
*Now glue the soldiers to either the cotton or the insert piece. |

click for larger image |
Your soldiers are complete….
Added note: These soldiers are very cute on a Christmas tree as ornaments,
under a clear medicine capsule for a dome, or as candle holders.

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