Welcome to the Dollhouse Miniatures Club on Yahoo! 

Project Page


Here's our latest project:

secretgardenvhs.jpg (67020 bytes)

It's a special place where special things happen.  

One of the best-loved of all children's tales blooms anew in this enchanting 1993 version of Frances Hodgson Burnett's turn of the century classic....

~ The Secret Garden ~

Based on the movie

Children discover a locked and abandoned garden and, through their friendship and care, bring the hidden glade back to beautiful life.

"If you look the right way, you can see the whole world is a garden."


Some of our members have spent some time coming up with a list of items to be donated to the project, but first we need to get past the guidelines for the contest.

Please click on links below


Contest Rules and Guidelines

Listings Page

Past Club Projects


Send mail to webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001 TMP Creations
Last modified: September 15, 2001